Perhaps we should start today with Maria Dorothea (Heins) Meyer.
vater: Johann Heinrich Heins
Mutter: Anna Maria Hencke
It is best to start with church documents to verify the birth. I believe these below came from Dahlenburg and Nahrendorf archives.
~ Personenstammblatt Mandant : 00-Boitze
V: 3 07.10.94________________________________
HEINS, Johann Heinrich (M) ev
* 05.03.1823 Bergen Kr. Celle
~ ?.03.1823 Bergen Kr. Celle
+ 19.09.1904 Eichdorf = Nahrendorf
± 22.09.1904 Nahrendorf
Auszug aus dem Beerdigungsregister der ev.-luth.
Kirchengemeinde Nahrendorf
Nr. 24/1904 Heins, Johann Heinrich,
Ehemann, lmker in Eichdorf,
* gestorben in Eichdorf am 19.IX.1904,
begr. 22. September 1904 in Nahrendorf,
81 Jahre, 6 Monate und 14 Tage,
geboren in Bergen bei Celle am 5.111.1823.
Beruf : lmker in Eichdorf
1. Ehe : 1845 (U) Muden, Oertze = Fassberg
HENCKE, Anna Maria (F) ev
* 1825 (U) Kreutzen = Trauen bei Munster, Ortze,
? 1825 (U) Muden, Ortze = Fassberg
+ Oldendorf = Nahrendorf
± Nahrendorf
1. Kind HEINS, Catharine (M) ev
1846 (R) Kreutzen = Trauen bei Munster,
Ortze 1846 (R) Muden, Oertze = Fassberg
+ 08.02.1932 (U) Kohlingen = Tosterglope
± 11.02.1932 Nahrendorf
Auszug aus dem Beerdigungsregister der ev.-luth.
Kirchengemeinde Nahrendorf
Nr / -geb. Heins, Catharine, Wwe. zu Kohlingen,
86 Jahre, begr. 11. Februar [193] Nahrendorf.
2. Kind HEINS. Maria Dorothea - ev.-Luth.
Kreutzen = Trauen bei Munster, Oertze
* ?.06.1851
+ Oldendorf Nahrendorf
± Nahrendorf Februar
GENprofi Familienforschung_________________________________
We Know that Maria Dorothea Heins died in Iowa. She was buried beside her husband, Juergen Heinrich Wilhelm Meyer.
According to the Meyer Book, she had a brother Heinrich Heinz or Heins. The Meyer book liked to call her Heinz. The church book of St. Peters [at area of Farnhamville, Calhoun county in Iowa] called her Heins.
Later after receiving the above document, I submitted another question to the Nahrendorf Church volunter researcher of the archives. After this, I received another letter, which stated that the information about Catherine Heins [mentioned above,] was a mistake. I can't help but wonder whose family she really does belong. Someday, I hope I can find that out.
Questions, ask